Positive Psychology throughout Life: Proposals for intervention. Childhood, Adolescence, Maturity and Aging.




The International Association of Developmental and Educational Psychology of Childhood, Adolescence, Aging and Disabilities (INFAD) is and represents an International Group of Professors and Researchers very aware of the new realities that today’s society is experiencing, of the generational changes incorporated into the current culture and the collaboration and help that psychological science can offer to the world today.

The XXVIII International Congress of Psychology and Education “INFAD”, with the theme: Positive Psychology throughout life: Proposals for intervention. Childhood, Adolescence, Maturity and Senior Citizens.”is a meeting place for the reflection and scientific approach to the most worried issues of our day in order to offer future perspectives. It is a forum where we all have the opportunity to present our most mature and scientific reflections, our contributions to psychological science from researches, that have been carried out with rigor and excellent professional qualification, and where we can share our knowledge and conclusions with other colleagues and friends from the scientific research world, enriching and enriching others and providing solutions to our society.

This International Congress allows a space where you can provide this pioneering research and / or data of work in progress, to contrast contributions, opinions, suggestions and offer them to the scientific community. The Congress is held with the collaboration of the Transilvania University of Brasov on April, the 27th, 28th and 29th.

Florencio Vicente Castro

President of INFAD Association



Brașov is a city in the Transylvania region (Romania) surrounded by the Carpathian mountains. It is famous for the Saxon walls and bastions of medieval times, the imposing Black Church (Gothic style) and its lively bars. Piaţa Sfatului (Council Square) is located in the cobbled center of the city, and surrounded by colorful baroque buildings and the Sfatului House, an old town hall that has been transformed into a museum of local history.

Thanks to its strategic position, Brasov and its surroundings have been one of the most important population centers in Romania since its foundation by the Saxons. And that is the reason why both Hungarians, Tartars and Turks tried to seize the area on numerous occasions during the Middle Ages. Brasov is currently one of the five largest cities in the country, in addition to being considered by tourists and locals as one of the most beautiful.


Our journey to BRASOV will also give us the chance to enjoy an excellent visit   throughout the whole region…

Read the program for companions.



The Queen of Spain Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano

Ms. Isabel Celaá (Ministra de Educación y Formación Profesional) (pendiente de confirmar)

Manuel Castells (Ministro de Universidades) (pendiente de confirmar)

Pedro Duque Duque (Ministro de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades) 

Guillermo Fernández Vara (Pdte. de la Junta de Extremadura)

Antonio Hidalgo García (Rector Universidad de Extremadura) (pendiente de confirmar)

Juan José Maldonado Briegas (Director General de Formación Profesional y Universidades, Junta de Extremadura)

Jaime Gutiérrez Rodríguez (Pdte. Colegio de Copcyl)

Fernando Chacón Fuertes (Pdte. Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid)

Fulvio Giardina (Pdte. Consiglio Nazionale Ordine Psicologi)

Francisco Miranda Rodrigues (Bastonário Ordem dos Psicólogos)

Ventura García Preciado (Decano Facultad de Educación UEX)

Ms. Magdalena Cantero Sosa (Presidenta del Consejo Social, Universidad de Almería)

Rafael España Santamaría (Consejero de Universidades)

Isidoro González Gallego (UNIAE)

Aitor Curiel López de Arcaute (UNIAE)


Prof. Dr. D. Florencio Vicente Castro. (Pdte. Asociación INFAD)

Prof. Dr. D. Juan José Maldonado Briegas (España)


Prof. Dr. D. Fernando Lara Ortega (Secretario INFAD)


Ms. Macarena Vega Díaz (Colaboradora INFAD)

Ms. Carolina Cano Gata (Colaboradora INFAD)

Ms. Mª Soledad Vicente Coronado (Colaboradora INFAD) (pendiente de confirmar)

José Ángel Casas Barrigón (Colaborador INFAD)

Sergio González Ballester (Colaborador INFAD)

Antonio Citarella (Colaborador INFAD)


Ms. Mariela Pavalache-Ilie, Brasov

Ms. Ana-Maria Cazan, Brasov

Ms. María del Carmen Galván Malagón (UEX) Badajoz

Ms. Magdalena López Pérez (UEX). Badajoz


Prof. Dr. D. Ángel Aguirre Baztan (Univ. de Barcelona)

Prof. Dr. D. José Labajos Alonso (Univ. de Salamanca)

Prof. Dr. D. Juan Luis Castejón Costa (Univ. de Alicante)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Maria Isabel Fajardo Caldera. (Univ. de Extremadura)

Prof. Dr. D. Manuel García Cabero (Univ. de León)

Prof. Dr. D. Fernando Lara Ortega (Univ. de Burgos)

Prof. Dr. D. Manuel Marín Sánchez (Univ. de Sevilla)

Prof. Dr. D. Agustín Dosil Maceira (Univ. de Santiago de Compostela)

Prof. Dr. D. Francisco Martín del Buey (Univ. de Oviedo)

Prof. Dra. Ms. María Reyes Fiz (Univ. de Navarra)

Prof. Dr. D. José I. Navarro Guzman (Univ. de Cadiz)

Prof. Dr. D. Juan Antonio Julve Moreno (Univ. de Zaragoza)

Prof. Dr. D. José Antonio del Barrio del Campo. (Univ. de Cantabria)

Prof. Dr. D. Fernando Bacaicoa Ganuza (Univ. de País Vasco)

Prof. Dr. D. Jorge Gómez Guden (Univ. de Pontevedra)

Prof. Dr. D. Vitor Franco (Univ. de Évora)

Prof. Dr. D. Rocco Quaglia (Univ. de Torino. Italia)

Prof. Dr. D. Giorgio Soro. (Univ. de Torino, Italia)

Prof. Dr. D. José Carlos Sánchez García (Zamora-Univ. Salamanca)

Prof. Dr. D. Eduardo Montes Velasco (Colegio Psicólogos CyL)

Prof. Dr. D. Francesco Mattei (Ordinario. Università degli Studi Roma TR)

Prof. Dr. D. Arrigo Pedon ( Universita’ degli Studi Università LUMSA. Roma. Italia)

Prof. Dr. D. Carlos Alberto Poiares (Universidade Lusófona. Lisboa)

Prof. Dr. D. Bronius Aismontas (Universidad Psicológico Pedagógica de Moscú (MGPPU)

Prof. Dr. D. George Andreiomenos (University of Peloponese)

Prof. Dr. D. Fulvio Giardina (Pdte. Consiglio Nazionale Ordine Psicologi)

Prof. Dr. D. David Padilla Góngora (Univ. de Almería)

Prof. Dr. D. Aleksander Kobylarek (Univ. de Wroclaw)

Prof. Dr. D. Ricardo López (Gerente de la Universidad de Salamanca)

Prof. Dra. Dña. Ana Belén Sánchez García (Universidad de Salamanca).


Fulvio Giardina (Pdte. Consiglio Nazionale Ordine Psicologi)

Joao Manuel Rosado de Miranda Justo (Prof. Univ. de Lisboa)

Ms. Magdalena Cantero Sosa (Presidenta del Consejo Social, Universidad de Almería)


Prof. Dr. D. David Padilla Góngora (Universidad de Almería)

Profª. María Isabel Fajardo Caldera. Prof. Titular Univ. Extremadura.


Prof. Dra. Ms. Mariela Pavalache-Ilie, Brasov

Prof. Dra. Ms. Ana-Maria Cazan, Brasov

Prof. Dra. Ms. Camelia Truța, Brasov

Prof. Dr. D. Dragoș Iliescu, București

Prof. Dr. D. Alin Gavreliuc, Timișoara

Prof. Dr. D. Ion Dafinoiu, Iași

Prof. Dra. Ms. Maria Magdalena Stan, lecturer at Univesity of Pitești

Prof. Dra. Ms. Laura Teodora David, University Transilvania of Brasov

Prof. Dra. Ms. Laura Elena Nastasa, University Transilvania of Brasov

Prof. Dra. Ms. Laura Petrosyan (Public Administration Academy, República de Armenia)

Prof. Dr. D. Isaac Encinas Martín (Psiquiatra, Extremadura)

Prof. Dr. D. Juan José Maldonado Briegas (Universidad de Extremadura)

Prof. Dr. D. Francisco Alcantud Marín (Universidad de Valencia)

Prof. Dra. Ms. María del Carmen Galván Malagón (UEX) Badajoz

Prof. Dra. Ms. María Luisa Bermejo García (Universidad de Extremadura)

Prof. Dr. D. Jesús-Nicasio García Sánchez (Universidad de León)

Prof. Dr. D. Juan Luis Castejón Costa (Universidad de Alicante)

Prof. Dr. D. José Ignacio Navarro Guzmán (Universidad de Cádiz)

Prof. Dr. D. Benito León del Barco (Universidad de Extremadura)

Prof. Dr. D. Leandro Almeida (Universidad de Minho, Portugal)

Prof. Dr. D. Juan Alfredo Jiménez Eguizábal (Universidad de Burgos)

 Prof. Dra. Ms. Raquel Gilar Corbí (Universidad de Alicante)

Prof. Dra. Ms. María del Carmen Palmero Cámara (Universidad de Burgos)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Leonor Buendía Eisman (Universidad de Granada)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Emilia Serra Desfilis (Universidad de Valencia)

Prof. Dr. D. César Leal Costa (Universidad de Alicante)

Prof. Dr. D. Miguel Ángel Mañas Rodríguez (Universidad de Almería)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Francisca Lucas Acién (Universidad de Almería)

Prof. Dr. D. Emilio J. Martínez López (Universidad de Jaén)

Prof. Dra. Ms. María del Carmen Pichardo Martínez (Universidad de Granada)

Prof. Dr. D. Cándido Inglés Saura (Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche)

Prof. Dr. D. Fernando Lara Ortega (Universidad de Burgos)

Prof. Dr. D. Isidoro González Gallego (UNIAE)

Prof. Dr. D. José Antonio del Barrio del Campo (Universidad de Cantabria)

Prof. Dr. D. Joaquín Dosil Díaz (Universidad de Vigo)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Isabel Luján Henríquez (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Laura Rubio Rubio (Universidad de Jaén)

Prof. Dr. D. Marcelo Carmona Fernández (Universidad de Granada)

Prof. Dr. D. Francisco J. García Bacete (Universidad Jaume I de Castellón)

Prof. Dr. D. Víctor Santiuste Bermejo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Prof. Dr. D. Leandro Navas Martínez (Universidad de Alicante)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Eloísa Julia Guerrero Barona (Universidad de Extremadura)

Prof. Dr. D. Manuel Acosta Contreras (Universidad de Huelva)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Patricia Rocamora Pérez (Universidad de Almería)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Esther Mª Secanilla Campo (UAB)

Prof. Dra. Ms. María Isabel García Alonso (Universidad de Burgos)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Carolina Fernández Jiménez (Universidad de Granada)

Prof. Dra. Ms. María Alcalá Cerrillo (Universidad de Extremadura)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Rocío Guil Bozal (Universidad de Cádiz)

Prof. Dr. D. Pedro Félix Casanova Arias (Universidad de Jaén)

Prof. Dr. D. Adolfo Cangas Díaz (Universidad de Almería)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Mercedes Gómez Acuñas (Universidad de Extremadura)

Prof. Dr. D. José Manuel García Fernández (Universidad de Alicante)

Prof. Dr. D. Maximiliano del Caño Sánchez (Universidad de Valladolid)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Raquel de la Fuente Anuncibay (Universidad de Burgos)

Prof. Dr. D. Fernando Fajardo Bullón (Universidad de Extremadura)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Ana María Torrecillas Martín (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)

Prof. Dr. D. Jerónimo González Bernal (Universidad de Burgos)

Prof. Dr. D. José Cantón Duarte (Universidad de Granada)

Prof. Dr. D. Gustau Olcina Sempere (Universidad Jaume I)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Rafaela Díaz Villalobos (Universidad de Extremadura)

Prof. Dr. D. Steven Van Vaerenbergh (Universidad de Cantabria)

Prof. Dr. D. Juan Manuel Moreno Manso (Universidad de Extremadura)

Prof. Dr. D. Francisco Manuel Morales Rodríguez (Universidad de Granada)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Elena Sánchez Zaballos (Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Mª Eugenia Martín Palacio (Univ. de Complutense de Madrid)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Ana Isabel Sánchez Iglesias (Univ. de Burgos)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Ana Mª López Medialdea (Universidad de Extremadura)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Trinidad Sánchez Núñez (Universidad de Castilla la Mancha)

Prof. Dr. D. Zacarías Calzado Almodóvar (Universidad de Extremadura)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Pilar Teruel Melero (Universidad de Zaragoza)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Ana Isabel Isidro de Pedro (Universidad de Salamanca)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Mª Carmen García Pérez (Universidad de Salamanca)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Mª Cruz Pérez Lancho (Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Mª Dolores Gil Llario (Universidad de Valencia)

Prof. Dr. D. Rafael Ballester Arnal (Universidad de Valencia)

Prof. Dra. Dña. Ana Belén Sánchez García (Universidad de Salamanca).


Prof. Dr. D. Arrigo Pedon (Universidad LUMSA. Roma. Italia)

Prof. Dr. D. Claudio Longobardi (Universidad de Turín. Italia)

Prof. Dr. D. José Ferronha (Univ. de Oporto)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Marilena Cestari (Activamentis)

Prof. Dra. Ms. María Joao Guardado Moreira (I.P.C.B Castelo Branco)

Prof. Dra. Ms. María Lapa Esteves (Univ. de Lisboa)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Paula Benevene (LUMSA University Roma)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Simona de Stasio (LUMSA University Roma)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Ilaria Buonomo (LUMSA University Roma)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Tania Simona Re (Univ. de Génova)


Prof. Dra. Ms. Camelia Truța, Brasov

Prof. Dr. D. Arrigo Pedon (Universidad LUMSA. Roma. Italia)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Susana Sánchez Herrera (Universidad de Extremadura)

Prof. Dra. Ms. María Gordillo Gordillo (Universidad de Extremadura)

Prof. Dra. Ms. Mª Luisa Bermejo García (Universidad de Extremadura)

Prof. Dr. D. Sebastián Feu Molina (Univ. de Extremadura)

Prof. Dr. D. Sergio Ibáñez Godoy (Univ. de Extremadura)

Prof. Dr. D. Antonio Antúnez Medina (Univ. de Extremadura)




New extended deadline: 20-04-2020


According to the reception of each abstract


New extended deadline: 23-04-2020


  1. Positive Psychology throughout the whole life: Psychological maps and Thinking Position. Developmental Psychology, Childhood and Adolescence, Seniors and Leisure.
  2. Intervention proposals form a Positive Psycholgy point of view: Mental Health and Developmental Pscyhology.
  3. Education, Psychology, History and Future.
    3.1. Educational Psychology and Primary Knowledge.
    3.2. Educational professions and social responsability. Educational interventions and their responses: Attention to diversity and Learning Difficulties.
    3.3. Communities that educate and complex learning: Family and Education a vision from a Positive Psychology point of view.
  1. Health, Psychology and Education.
  2. Technologies and Communication. The modern world.
  3. Free themes



  • All the authors must be registered in the Congress. Registration must be done before the submission of papers in order to be evaluated and/or approved by the Scientific Committee.
  • The paper submissions must be sent  via email to congreso@infad.eu. Other way of submission used will not be accepted.
  • The papers must be fully written and completed, following the APA Standards.
  • The papers must be original and may be submitted in any language of the European Community (with Latin characters).  The official languages of the Congress will be both Spanish and English.
  • The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 12th 20th April and for the full papers is until  6 16th 23rd of April 2020, for papers, for online symposia and in-person symposia. As a result, for printing reasons, subsequent corrections will not be allowed. The submission will be send by email to the following address: congreso@infad.eu
  • Title, summary and name of the participants will be mandatory  in the registration form. .
  • The significant contributions presented in the Congress will be published in the Scientific INFAD Journal: “International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology”.
  • If the submission is not accepted, the money will be paid back.

The papers can not exceed 4,500 words  and will necessarily include the following information:
1. Title.
2. Author(s),
3. Author(s) data.
4. Abstract / Summary (mandatory in the language of paper and English). In case of a paper submitted in English, an abstract in Spanish will be also necessary.
5. Keywords (separated by semicolons).
6. Thematic Area. Background.
7. Objectives of the investigation.
8. Sample and / or participants.
9. Methodology and / or instruments used.
10. Results achieved.
11. Discussion.
12. Conclusions.
13. Bibliographic references according to APA guidelines.

14. Curriculum synthesis of each participant (maximum 80 words)

The first page of the Communication should include:
– Title (no more than 85 characters, including spaces).
– Name (s) of the complete author (s) (firstly the name followed by the surnames).
– University or Workcenter along with the email of the author or first author.
– Abstract (no more than 300 words) and the keywords in Spanish, or any other language of the European Community, plus Abstract in English (no more than 300 words), as well as the title, the abstract and the keywords (separated by a semicolon) must appear in both languages.
The body of the manuscript should appear on the following pages, whose sections should be written and ordered in strict accordance with the regulations of the APA Publications Style Manual, latest edition. The tables, figures and illustrations will be numbered correlatively and will be placed within the text in a legible way.

The text of the paper will be sent as follows:
– Word format.
– Source: Times New Roman
– Size: 12 pt
– Font style: Normal
– Simple line spacing
– Justified alignment
– The paragraphs will be separated by blank spaces.
Accepted papers will be grouped into thematic tables by the Scientific Committee and each participant will be given 15 minutes (10 for exposition and 5 minutes for questions).
Link to the APA Standards

The posters are graphic presentations of a scientific, technological or professional work. At least one of the authors must be present during the exhibition to explain and discuss the content with the audience present (schedule will be indicated in the program).

The poster proposal will include:
1. . Title.
2. Author (s).
3. University or Workcentre / Email.
4. Abstract (mandatory in the language of communication).
5. Keywords.
6. Background.
7. Objectives.
8. Participants.
9. Method.
10. Results.
11. Conclusions.

Other information to be considered:
1. The organization will provide the space to place the poster.
2. The poster will usually have the following dimensions: 1100 cm high by 80 cm wide (approx. DIN-A0), in vertical format. Recommendations:
-Source: Arial or Helvetica (bold)
-Size: 36 points (visibility at 1.5-2 meters)
3. The text submitted for its possible publication, if so desired, will follow the same rules of the papers and APA Standards. AND IT WILL BE SUBMITTED WITH AN ABSTRACT (200-300 words), along with between 4-6 keywords, which will be published in a BOOK with ISBN and Legal Deposit.
4. In the CASE OF ONLINE REGISTRATION, once the abstract is accepted, the PDF of the poster must be submitted, within the dates established for that purpose.
5. Posters will be certified as a WRITTEN COMMUNICATION.
6. The material of the accepted poster must be prepared by the author.
7. The author will be responsible for placing the poster in the place and date assigned to it, as well as for removing it. If the author does not withdraw it, it is understood that he has no interest in keeping it and, therefore, the author authorizes the Congress Organizing Committee to dispose of the material.
8. The poster must be related to one of the thematic areas proposed in the Congress.

Symposia are sessions centered on a common theme or problem and with logical coherence of union among the different contributions and that will be the central object of the interventions of the participants. These are pre-planned sessions in which the coordinator makes a summary at the beginning and offers a general perspective of the theme of the symposium.

Each symposium must have at least a minimum of 5 papers with their corresponding registrations, including the coordinator’s one. The Symposium proposal must be submitted through the congress website, as soon as possible, for organization purposes.

The Symposium registration entitles to 1 free registration fee.

The coordinator must send:
1) A Word document to include:
– The general presentation of the Symposium (no more than 400 words)
– Title.
– Contact information.
– Presentation of each and every one of the communications (no more than 4500 words per communication), with their respective titles, names of speakers and abstracts (following the APA Standards).
2) In another separate document, a (size passport) photo and a summary of the coordinator’s curriculum.
The maximum duration of each symposium -exposition and questions- will be for 1 hour and 15 minutes.


Teresa Gallardo González

Avenida de Colon, 5B
06001 Badajoz

924 262 625


Papers will be published in INFAD Scientific Journal``International Journal of Psychology of Developmental and Educational Pscyhology``



Ordinary registration

It entitles to paper+poster or 2 posters


Members of associations

It entitles to paper+poster or 2 posters



It entitles to paper+poster or 2 posters


Symposium participants

Paper within the symposium. Coordinator’s registration is free of charge



No papers/posters to be submitted





University Transilvania of BRASOV

27-29 April 2020
Mon-Wed 8:00am-19:00pm


Bulevardul Eroilor 29, Brasov
500036, Romania



INFAD Office

Urbanización Universitaria, 36
Badajoz, Spain

Contact info


+34 924 435 895
(Office Hours 09:00h to 13:00h CET)